



讨论内容:《Faithful Low-Resource Data-to-Text Generation through Cycle Training》

讨论内容:《RetroMAE-2 用于预训练检索的双工MASK自编码器语言模型》


讨论内容:《complex question:Reasoning》

讨论内容:《SimCLS A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Abstractive Summarization》

讨论内容:《Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Stance Detection on Varied Topics via Conditional Generation》

讨论内容:《Hate Speech Detection Based on Sentiment Knowledge Sharing》

讨论内容:《Learning to Generalize to More:Continuous Semantic Augmentation for Neural Machine Translation》

讨论内容:《Making More of Little Data: Improving Low-Resource Automatic Speech Recognition Using Data Augmentation》

讨论内容:《Aspect-oriented Opinion Alignment Network for Aspect-Based Sentiment Classification / Sentiment Analysis through LLM Negotiations》

讨论内容:《INTERVENOR : Prompt the Coding Ability of Large Language Models with the Interactive Chain of Repairing》

讨论内容:《From Pretraining Data to Language Models to Downstream Tasks: Tracking the Trails of Political Biases Leading to Unfair NLP Models》

讨论内容:《RDGCN: Reinforced Dependency Graph Convolutional Network for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis》

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